Overwrite or Replace folders and files, instead of creating  - Copy versions
I frequently bring home files from work on a thumb drive to update my home PC. On WinXP and Vista I could simply drag and drop those folders and files into the same directory on my home PC and select to replace the old version. That option does not appear consistently in Win 7. Typically it creates a copy of the file and/or the entire folder, eg, Folder - Copy, or File - Copy. I now have an incredible mess of older and newer versions of folders andfiles with - Copy appended to their names. How do I turn this off such that either the file is always overwritten, or I am prompted to Replace the folders and files?
January 25th, 2009 1:22am

I have tried dargging and dropping files across from a memory stick and i always get prompted on whether i want to overwrite, copy and keep both files, or not to copy. Didi it prompt you the first time you tried
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January 25th, 2009 3:31am

I'm having this same problem, very frustrating and annoying. This was the standard behaviour from install and no propmt was ever displayed. How do I change this to overwrite files or at least display the prompt?
January 25th, 2009 4:49am

Hi getntune This a bug that has been documented and reported. For now, I would recommend opening 2 Windows Explorer windows and deleting the same files from the target folder, prior to moving the updated files into the folder. Hope this helps. Ronnie Vernon MVP
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January 25th, 2009 8:09am

Thanks for the feedback. A drag and drop from my thumb drive created the - Copy versions, with no "replace" dialog box appearing.A simple work around:if I select and cut or copy the thumb folders and files, then paste into the same-named directory on the home PC, I always get the "replace" dialog box. The inconsistent behaviormay be that sometimes I wouldshift-click to move them. A couple more steps, but problem solved. Win7 beta appears pretty solid. Itdoes includethe "I'm an administrator until I need to be one" feature left over from Vista. And I couldn't install Turbotax--guess you have to beIntuit. Only majorissues in a few days' testing are with IE8,same ones as the beta releasedsome time ago. Hopefully those will be fixed; meantimeanexcuse to try Firefox3, whichis looking pretty good too. Cheers!
January 26th, 2009 12:59am

Got Turbotax installed using XPSP2 compatibility mode. Takes a looong time to initialize, but then seems to run fine.
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January 26th, 2009 1:42am

Has this bug been reported in Windows 7 Pro 32 bit? I am experiencing this situation where when copying a new version of a file and pasting it into a folder containing the older version of the file, I am not getting prompted to replace or not rather I am simply ending up with multiple versions of the file (copy of), older and newer. Thanks!
June 15th, 2011 5:27pm

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